Every woman is different - what suits one woman may not suit another. With so many contraception options on the market, each with its own benefits and downsides, it can help to speak to a professional about what method of contraception is right for your body and lifestyle.
There are many factors to consider when choosing a birth control method. That’s why a family planning consultation with Dr Tshimanga can help you decide what the best method of contraception is right for you and your needs.
Oral contraceptives
Also known as the pill, oral contraceptives needs to be taken orally, daily and preferably at the same time for maximum protection.
Contraceptive injection
This lasts for 2-3 months; however, you will have to attend your appointment on time for your repeat injection for maximum efficiency.
Contraceptive implant
This is a tiny plastic rod that is placed under the skin on the upper arm that releases the hormone progestogen into your bloodstream and can last for up to 3 years.
Intra-uterine device
Also known as the coil, the IUD is inserted into your uterus to prevent pregnancy. It can last 5-10 years, which makes it a popular choice of contraception.
Emergency contraception
The morning-after pill is to be taken within 5 days after unprotected sex. It should only be taken in emergency situations and not used as a main method of contraception.